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  • 2 Side Hustles You Can Pick Up Today

2 Side Hustles You Can Pick Up Today

1% Better By NFT God

NFT God Newsletter 10/20- Happy Thursday everyone! Started a cool new habit this week that I absolutely love. I talk about journaling a lot on my Twitter and how it’s the first thing I do every morning. Well I just added a new facet to the routine. At night I write one sentence before bed. Just one. I write the best thing that happened to me that day. At the end of the year I’m going to have 365 wins I can review. 365 bite sized capsules on how my year went. The most important part of all of this is it forces you to do some positive retrospection before bed. Gets you into a good mindset to fall asleep. Try it out and let me know what you think. Shoot me an email at [email protected] with any small habits you like to do during the day to get your mind right. Anyway, onto the alpha:


1️⃣ Latest Twitter Thread

2️⃣ Sponsored: Bear Market Yacht Club

3️⃣ 1% Better Every Day

4️⃣ NFT Stories of the Week

5️⃣ Favorite Replies

Note: This week there is a sponsored column(marked as sponsored). Please DYOR before making any purchasing decisions.

Latest Twitter Thread:

SPONSORED: Bear Market Yacht Club

Welcome to the Bear Market Yacht Club! An exclusive club of 5555 unique Bears sailing through Ethereum. Your Bear is an ERC721 token that acts as your club membership pass, unlocking access to all exclusive club areas and future events. Our goal: To unify as a web3 family in the bear market, having fun, making friends, and supporting each other no matter what. We are a team of builders, artists, writers, degens and tech nerds who are passionate about web3 and the future of NFT's! Come join the big bear fam! Network: ETHEREUM Supply: 5555 Mint DATE: October 26th 4.20PM EST Mint Price: 0.06 ETH We look forward to welcoming you aboard! GRRRR

1% Better Every Day: 2 Side Hustles For Anyone

This week’s ‘1% Better Every Day’ is about 2 side hustles anyone can pick up in their spare time. A lot of the time when I bring up the concept of side hustles I get some push back. A lot of people are very anti ‘hustle culture’. For me, having a career, family, and friends give me great purpose in life, but there’s nothing like having a hustle of your own. Something to grow from nothing. I believe purpose is the most powerful force in the world. When people lose purpose they age much quicker. It’s usually after retirement or letting go of passions that people start to lose their strength mentally and physically. I believe harnessing purpose keeps you young and sharp. Having a side hustle adds just a little bit more purpose in your life. So on that note here are 2 easy side hustles you can start in your spare time even if you have a full time career:

Content Creation:

This is my side hustle that I’ve now turned into a full on passion. When I got into NFT’s a year and a half ago I felt so inspired I immediately started this account/newsletter. I started tweeting every day, writing threads, and sending out newsletters (to pretty much nobody). Content creation just requires a computer and a brain. No other costs at all. Start a Twitter and a Substack and you have all the tools you need to build your platform.

Growing your platform large enough and you’ll unlock incredible opportunities. You’ll be able to work with an array of companies that will be hoping just to associate themselves with your name. You’ll be able to start sponsoring your content and make revenue on the work you’re already doing.

Keys to content creation:

• Start creating on a free platform (Twitter, Substack, Youtube)

• Be consistent. Release content regularly.

• Be mentally strong. Create even though you might not get recognition for a while.


I absolutely love this side hustle. Reason being is it’s a high leverage activity. What I mean by that is the effort you put into programming will give you benefits in many different areas. Not only could you pick up side gigs that give you additional revenue, but it’ll also improve your resume and career skills. It’s also another side hustle that requires nothing more than a computer and your brain. Everything else can be learned free online.

There are a lot of ways you can build a side hustle off learning programming. You can build crypto/NFT projects with others online. You can build your own programs and charge subscription fees to use the software. Or you can just add programming to your resume and increase the money you ask for from your next job.

Keys to learning programming:

• Spend a little time every day doing a course ( I recommend picking up Javascript from CodeAcademy, it’s free)

• Think of an idea for a piece of software and just start building it. Best way to learn after you complete beginners courses.

• Join a programming community online, like on Reddit. Talking shop with others will always keep you motivated.

Becoming a programmer is what eventually got me into NFT’s, which is what got me into content creation. One thing always leads to another. Pick up a side hustle and just keep working at it, you never know where your end destination will be. Any side hustles or recommendations you have? Send me an email [email protected] with what you’re working on.

Today's News:

🔥 Magic Eden Goes Full 0% Royalties

🔥 DigiDaigaku Buys a Super Bowl Ad for $6.5 million

🔥 Consumer Price Index Remains High


In a landscape shifting announcement this week, Magic Eden has made all creator royalties optional on their marketplace. This is massive news, because up to this point only small players in the space like X2Y2 were making the switch to 0 royalties. This move was clearly out of fear. Fear that other marketplaces would make this move quicker than them and therefore start to eat into their market share. This had a massive impact on the entire Solana ecosystem I don’t think many people saw coming. Prices of almost every single SOL collection tanked. Y00ts went under 100 SOL, DeGods went under 250, and the entire blockchain went into panic mode.

It seems any sort of major change in the NFT space is instantly met with resistance. I knew there would be some backlash to this decision, I wasn’t expecting widespread anger and panic. The fear index on Solana NFT’s has to be the highest I’ve ever seen. Even higher than when the entire blockchain got shut down for a day. Anything that makes people uncomfortable is instantly torn down in this space. I wrote it in my previous newsletter, but I think NFT creators were bound to be forced into a position where they needed to find alternate revenue streams. Royalties were never sustainable. They don’t align with holder goals and they are basically nonexistent in bear markets. This kind of radical change is just going to speed up the pace of innovation in the space. In the meantime, there’s going to be a whole lot of pain.


Digi founder and professional copy pasta artist Gabriel Leydon announced this week that his anime/video game project DigiDaigaku secured an ad during the Super Bowl for $6.5 million. This would mark the first major NFT project to have an ad on the most watched program in the United States. A massive move that will bring tremendous amounts of exposure to both Digi and the NFT space as a whole.

I’m a big fan of Gabe and how he runs his business, but I’ve always been skeptical of “mainstream” moves like this. Whether it’s Gary Vee launching a doll collection at Macy’s or Azuki hinting at an anime TV show in the future, I’m not sure how these mainstream moves create a path from the exposure to a person buying a 5 figure NFT. Side note here: I’m coming completely from an investor’s perspective with this take. A lot of people get really excited when their project makes an announcement like this. But I just don’t understand the path from a person with no crypto or NFT experience seeing this commercial during a football game, then going on their computer, installing metamask, depositing $20,000 of Ethereum, and buying an NFT. While this is incredibly exciting for the IP overall, this makes me no more or less bullish on the price of the project. I just can’t see how this would drive demand for the asset. Will be great to see if this has any impact on the market as a whole.


This week it was announced the consumer price index, a general measure of the cost of goods, came in at 8.2%. Meaning the average price of a multitude of goods is 8.2% higher this year than last year. This was higher than expected from experts. News of this figure sent markets tumbling last week.

Every once in a while I like to write a quick column on state of the market and my sentiment so here’s another one for you. At the moment there are still a tremendous amount of headwinds in the market. High inflation, a war in Europe, rising interest rates. The worst part is there is no signs of slowing down in any of these areas. I just don’t see how you could logically make a big move here. There’s no indicators we are anywhere near a bottom.

Here’s also an important thing to remember: the average bull cycle is 4 years long. The last bull market was 13 years long. You can be 2 full years late to the game and still make generational wealth. Why throw your money into a market that’s on fire that shows no signs of recovering any time soon? Patience is the name of the game. Those who are patient always walk away the winners.

Replies of the Week

Thank you so much to everyone who’s replied to my tweets or emailed me this week! Look forward to hearing from more of you soon! Take care and have an excellent weekend!


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