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  • This Journaling Technique Changed My Life

This Journaling Technique Changed My Life

Full step by step instructions inside

read time 3 minutes

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Today at a Glance:

  • How a simple journaling system can change everything

  • Step by step process for setting up your own bullet journal

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This Journaling Technique Changed My Life

I have intense ADD.

It has led to me becoming terribly unorganized and distracted for all 33 years I’ve been on planet earth. For years now I’ve been hunting for a solution that could take my monkey brain and get me a little more grounded and in the moment.

I think I found that solution.

For the past month I’ve been experimenting with a technique called bullet journaling. It’s been a total game changer for me. I’m going to take you through how this technique works, how my life changed, and show you exactly how I’ve been doing it.

Why Journaling is important

Journaling is extremely powerful for many reasons.

It helps you organize tasks, track progress towards important metrics, keeps you on track towards your goals, and makes sure you’re getting 1% better every day.

It’s not good enough to journal on your computer or in Notion. You need to do it by hand. Writing anything by hand will be WAY more powerful and stick with you much more than anything you type.

Plus if you’re like me, every time you touch a screen you get incredibly distracted.

Bullet journaling has been a game changer for me. It’s both the best organizational system I’ve ever used and the best thought tracking system I’ve ever used.

It’s kept me organized and mindful. That’s a powerful combination.

Materials you need:

ANY notebook (I like dot notebooks)

Any pen (I use the Micron05. Dirt cheap on Amazon)

The concept of bullet journaling:

Bullet Journaling acts as an organizational system, but also as a method for being more mindful.

It tracks your tasks, goals, events, habits, and day to day life.

You put all your daily tasks in there to make sure they’re done, but you also note down daily events and experiences so you can be mindful of how your day is going.

It’s highly customizable and can be as simple or as complex as you’d like it.

It’s more structured than a straight up journal, but more flexible and useful than a todo list.

How my bullet journal is set up:

The core building block of your bullet journal is your daily log. Every day you build and maintain this log that includes your tasks, events, and notes about your day.

Here’s what each symbol means and then a picture of my daily log (please excuse my horrendous handwriting):

My Daily Log: (notice my tasks, events, and general notes I wrote down)

Every day I start by waking up then opening my journal. Then I put in all my tasks and events. Then throughout the day I add any notes around things that happen during my day. It helps me track my tasks while also being mindful of what’s going on.

At the end of every day, you go back, look at your log, then move any tasks you missed to the next day. Now you have an idea of what you’re going to need to work on for the next day.

I love going back and looking at daily logs from weeks ago. Reminds you of what your priorities were on different days. Almost like a tracker for your entire life.

The daily log will be in EVERYONE’s bullet journal. But now is where you can get creative. On top of having a daily log, I also have a weekly review, monthly review, and habit tracker.

At the beginning of every week I fill out this custom template:

It includes: top 3 priorities, new habit I want to introduce, the one metri

At the beginning of every month I fill out this template:

And every day I fill out which habits I’ve completed:

At the beginning and end of every day, I like to review my previous daily log, my weekly and monthly goals, and my habit tracker to see what I’ve accomplished up until this point. It keeps my metrics and goals top of mind.

The last piece of the puzzle here is your index. This should be your first page. In your index write down all the components of your bullet journal and which pages they fall on. This helps you keep track of all the pieces of your journal.

This also allows you to be flexible and add new components as you go along and track them.

This is my complete bullet journaling system so far. It will 100% be changing as I go along. But in the several weeks using it so far, it has been a MASSIVE help for both keeping me organized but also keeping me mindful.

The best part is you don’t need anything special! Just a blank notebook and pen.

Give it a shot and let me know what you think! Use a journaling or task tracking system of your own? Let me know as well!

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Have a great weekend everyone!



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