When to Quit

1% Better 6/28/23

read time 3 minutes

Welcome to 1% Better. A weekly newsletter where I provide simple playbooks to grow your following, earn more revenue, and live a happy life.

Today at a Glance:

  • I go over when you should consider quitting on your niche/creative endeavor

  • Why quitting my last 2 side hustles was the only reason I started this newsletter

  • Niches that have big opportunities right now

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When to Quit

I get asked by a lot creators when the right time to quit their niche is.

They might be struggling with getting traction, or might not be enjoying the process of creating/whatever position they’re in.

The biggest mistake you can make is having the mindset of “Never quit! Keep going no matter what”

I actually strongly disagree with this sentiment

Sticking with something that isn’t working way too long is a waste of time.

The sooner you get out of hustle that isn’t right for you, the sooner you can get into a hustle that is

So the question becomes, how do you know when is the right time to quit and try something new?

I’ll go through my two last failed side hustles and when I knew it wasn’t right. Then I’ll go through my current passion and tell you about when I knew it was my purpose.

What it comes down to is 3 main pillars. If your hustle/niche/creative passion has all 3 of these pillars, stick with it. If they’re missing even one of these pillars, maybe consider moving on.

These 3 pillars are:

  1. Things you’re good at

  2. Things you love

  3. Things that have market opportunity

Before I started writing for 1% Better and NFT God, I wrote for a sports blog/twitter and a traditional finance blog/twitter.

I wrote for the sports blog and Twitter for about a year. Over the year I experienced next to no growth before quitting.

The reason was simple.

I loved sports. I was great at analyzing sports, but there was almost no market opportunity for another Twitter sports account.

Sports is a niche that is heavily heavily diluted. The less market opportunity there is for a particular niche/hustle, the greater you need to be at that thing to succeed.

In 2023, to succeed on sports Twitter you need to either be the funniest mfer on the entire internet, or an unbelievably smart analyst.

I was just simply good, not great.

In 2020, I started a traditional finance account with a good friend of mine.

We started writing about stock investing and financial education.

This failed rather quickly.

We both loved traditional finance, but we were simply alright at it and the market opportunity wasn’t there either.

Another heavily diluted category that’s been around for decades.

If you want to break into traditional finance content right now you better be a STUD.

You better be able to break down earnings reports and be able to describe advanced strategies in a really simple way.

In the year we wrote for that account, we got almost no traction.

With next to no market opportunity, we needed to be great, and we weren’t.

If traditional finance was a growing market and not heavily diluted, our skills wouldn’t have had to be top notch.

We had 1 pillar (loved traditional finance) but lacked in the others.

Which brings us to my current passion, this newsletter and NFT God.

I largely built my audience off of talking about Web 3 and blockchain technology on Twitter.

When I started 2 years ago, the market opportunity was massive.

There are people in Web 3, but it’s a rapidly growing market.

On top of that, I was able to take my writing skills and past tech experience and bring a whole new perspective to the space.

Plus, it didn’t hurt that I absolutely loved the technology.

I loved Web 3, I was great at understanding the technology and writing about it, and the market opportunity was booming.

A perfect recipe for me to blow up my account in under a year.

All 3 pillars came together, leading to 100,000 followers in a year.

Think about whatever it is you write about/ are working on right now.

Be honest with yourself.

Does it satisfy all 3 pillars I talked about?

If not, can you find a way to improve the pillars you’re lacking in?

If I didn’t quit my past 2 hustles quick enough, I might have never started this newsletter and been able to quit my job and achieve my dreams.

Here are some niches I believe have great market opportunity right now:

• Web 3• AI• AR/VR• Options trading• Dividend investing

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