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  • How I Talked To Mark Cuban and Elon Musk Yesterday

How I Talked To Mark Cuban and Elon Musk Yesterday

Total net worth of $50 billion+ between all 3 of us

read time 4 minutes

Welcome to 1% Better. A weekly newsletter where I provide simple playbooks to grow your following, earn more revenue, and live a happy life.

Today at a Glance:

  • The story of the wildest 24 hours of my life

  • Why cheaters never win

  • How to create content that attracts billionaires

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In Partnership with INNOVATING WITH AI

Launching an AI product is no easy task. But Innovating with AI launched two new AI products in 1 month.

Throughout the process, they created a free video lesson and cheat sheet to help teach you to do it yourself.

You’ll learn the following:

  • The AI Business Model Matrix: How to combine your skills, interests, and advanced AI tools in unique and exciting ways

  • The AI Venture Mindset: How to use rapid experimentation and industry uncertainty to your advantage

  • The AI Marketing Cookbook: Where to share and promote your new AI-powered business for maximum growth

How I Talked To Mark Cuban and Elon Musk Yesterday

This has been without a doubt the most insane, fascinating, transformative 24 hours of my life. For a lot of reasons I can tell you, and some I can’t (yet).

It all started with a thief.

2 days ago I saw a post on my timeline that caught my eye (I won’t say from who because this person has been dunked on enough, but you can probably figure it out quickly).

This post was almost a carbon copy of a post I put out a week ago about the new algorithm.

On top of that, this person’s plagiarized post went giga viral. Thousands of likes and millions of impressions. Even worse than that, he stole my dream. Elon replied to him.

Heartbroken. I felt completely robbed. I spent 10+ hours pouring through lines of code to write that post. And this jamoke just ctrl+c ctrol+v’d it. Mfer.

I was fuming. Pacing around my apartment. I had so many things I needed to do that day but ended up doing none of it. I was totally consumed in anger and hatred.

This isn’t the first time I was stolen from.

There are 40 different botted cartoon monkey accounts that tweet “Unfollowing inactives, reply below if you’re a winner 👇” 5 times a day then once a week copy paste my content.

I’ve gotten used to letting go.

So as much as it sucked to let go of this one, I was ready to do it again.

Then I noticed something interesting. One reply was hidden:

This guy was hiding all mentions of my name in his replies. The smoking gun. Proof he knew he was being a naughty boy.

So I blew him up. I have proof he’s a liar. Lesson 1 of the day: never let liars get away with it.

With that one message, a chain reaction set off. My community went to work. Blowing up his mentions and replies. Writing community notes on the tweet. In fact, the greatest community note I’ve ever seen actually got posted on his tweet:

First W of the day after a massive L.

With this new found momentum I went back to my computer and tried to put together the best piece of content I could. Content that was so good, so uniquely me, that nobody could steal it.

So I leaned into my unique skill set again and went back to the code. I found snippets of code I think could be improved and put it into a thread addressed to Elon.

My goal was simple, write my best piece of content yet and get Elon to notice it.

I hit post at 9:00pm that night and go to bed. The thread was performing moderately well.

At 4:00am I wake up with an odd feeling. I never check my phone at night, ever. But I had an urge to check this time.

The thread absolutely blew up. Mega viral. I pop open the replies to see what people thought. And there it is. One of my life goals complete:

Suffice to say, I didn’t sleep much the rest of the night. The only shut eye I get is a quick nap from 8am to 10am. At 10am I wake up and check X to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

Not only was I not dreaming, but things escalated to a whole new level:

A DM from my number 1 business idol, Mark Cuban. There has never been a Shark Tank episode I’ve missed. This guy is the inspiration for my entrepreneurship journey. I was on cloud 9.

Within 24 hours I went from ready to punch my monitor to interacting with my lifelong heroes.

From the lowest of the lows to higher highs than I could ever imagine.

Takeaway 1: Cheaters never win. Ever. Karma is a bitch and it always comes back around.

Takeaway 2: Always do the next right thing. I could have moped for the rest of the day. I could have called it quits. I went back and used the negative events as fuel. It fueled me to create my best piece of content ever. That content led to me interacting with my heroes.

Takeaway 3: Be a good person and your supporters will fight for you. If I get stolen from but have no supporters, none of this happens. That community note doesn’t get written and the guy gets away with plagiarism.

Takeaway 4: Lean into your own unique skills. The more you are authentic and lean into the things that make you you, your content will become bullet proof.

Takeaway 5: Have faith the universe will make things right. Things always work out in the end. You have to believe the universe is moving in your favor.

Hopefully I will have some more good news soon. Keep it tuned to the newsletter 😉

Want to learn how to make content that attracts Elon Musk? The Twitter Growth Masterclass launches in 5 days! Save $100 Before it Goes Up!

Ever struggle to come up with ideas for content? Feel like your account is growing too slow? Like it’s impossible to get noticed?

On August 21st the Twitter Growth Master Class is launching. It’s 40 videos, a Notion content operating system, and hundreds of tweet templates and AI prompts.

It’s every lesson I’ve learned from the last 20 months of growing my X following to 140,000, my newsletter to 27,000, and my content business to 6 figures.

By the end of the course you’ll be able to ideate unlimited ideas, find your exact niche and voice, and write viral content.

If you preorder before launch you save $100 off the full price ($197 instead of $297).

I promise you this will be the best course on content creation you can find on the internet.

If you’d like to pay in crypto please DM me.

Preorder the course here.

Also, join the 1% Club! It’s the largest, and best community for builders looking to gain financial freedom through the internet. I’m in the community every day helping you gain more followers, find your voice, and build your business.

Have a great weekend!



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