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  • TTPQ #6 (Tweet, Thread, AI Prompt, Quote)

TTPQ #6 (Tweet, Thread, AI Prompt, Quote)

BONUS: Supercharge your content with a Tweet Template, AI Prompt, and Book Quote

Hi everyone! Welcome to issue 6 of TTPQ (YES THIS IS A BONUS ISSUE! I felt super inspired this week). Every Saturday I’ll be sending out a quick, value-packed newsletter containing:

• Either a tweet or thread template (with examples)

• A content creation related AI prompt (to be used with ChatGPT)

• A thought provoking excerpt from a book I’m reading

These are all templates, meaning there will be certain spots where you’ll fill in ideas to make the content personal. Anywhere you see brackets {} you fill in your own idea.

Starting in May, TTPQ will become a 1% Club exclusive benefit. I work really hard every day to experiment and come up with new AI prompts and tweet templates so if you’d like to support me and continue receiving this weekly value, please sign up for the 1% Club below.

By signing up you also get instant access to my private community where we share AI prompts every day, have daily mastermind sessions, get a backlog of exclusive video content, and access to our digital co-working space.

If you don’t feel like you get 10x value out of this club and the exclusive content, I’ll personally refund your money:

How to best use this post:

  1. Steal the tweet template and make it your own. I challenge you to tweet using it this week.

  2. Use the AI prompt with ChatGPT (


  1. ). Try it out yourself then experiment and add to the prompt.

  2. Truly digest the book quote. Reflect on how it can apply to your life.

I’m welcome to any and all feedback! Please reply, comment, or DM with any thoughts, criticisms, or suggestions.

Tweet Template

This year I {Major Accomplishment/Outcome}

Here’s how I did it:

  • {Step 1}

  • {Step 2}

  • {Step 3}

  • {Step 4}


{Your Takeaway}

Tweet Example:

This year I quit my job to follow my passions

Here’s how I did it:

  • Started a newsletter and Twitter account

  • Built an insane network by engaging every day

  • Worked my day job, but worked endlessly outside my 9-5

  • Jumped when I started making reliable income


Sacrifice now, gain the rewards later

AI Prompt

Over the past week I’ve been running a challenge (I talk about it in my last newsletter). It’s an atomic essay a day challenge. For 30 minutes every day I will be doing a brain dump into a digital notebook. It’s been instrumental for coming up with new creative ideas.

The prompt I’m going to share with you is one I’ve been developing over the last week. It’s a prompt you can use with any sort of brain dump to get an outline of ideas, potential tweets, and newsletter/blog topics.

You don’t necessarily need to write an essay to make use of this prompt. You can do any sort of brainstorming, then take the text and feed it into this prompt.

The beauty of this prompt is it takes one idea and turns it into 20 pieces of content.


I’m a content creator who writes for {platforms you use}. My content typically focuses on {topics you write about}. My audience is {description of your audience}

Please analyze the atomic essay below and create an outline for it.

This outline should include all the main points I make, any novel ideas I include, all the interesting points which would perform well in a tweet, and any lines I include that would be interesting, exciting, informative, or changes the way a general audience thinks.

What are some ways I could have improved this essay?

Which points in this essay would make the best tweets?

What would be interesting topics for a newsletter that I can write based on this essay?

Here is the atomic essay:

{your text}

Example prompt:

I’m a content creator who writes for both Twitter and a newsletter. My content typically focuses on solopreneurship, self improvement, technology, investing, and how to live a generally fulfilling life. My audience is people in the technology space, specifically Web 3, that are looking to eventually become solopreneurs and live the life of their dreams.

Please analyze the atomic essay below and create an outline for it.

This outline should include all the main points I make, any novel ideas I include, all the interesting points which would perform well in a tweet, and any lines I include that would be interesting, exciting, informative, or changes the way a general audience thinks.

What are some ways I could have improved this essay?

Which points in this essay would make the best tweets?

What would be interesting topics for a newsletter that I can write based on this essay?

Here is the atomic essay:

{my essay}

Example output:


I. Introduction

A. Explanation of the author's new journey as a solopreneur

B. Reflection on the emotions felt during this transition

II. Discomfort

A. Confusion about the source of stress

B. Assurance that worst-case scenarios have been considered

C. Loneliness and insecurity about how to explain the transition to others

D. Despite confidence in the decision, feeling intense discomfort

E. Possible explanations for discomfort

F. Importance of trusting one's gut

G. Hope for a mindset shift

III. Moving Forward

A. Possibility of being stuck in the past

B. Need for discipline of mind

C. Importance of forgiveness for oneself

D. Observing the tug-of-war between conflicting emotions

IV. Conclusion

A. Gratitude for the accomplishment of reaching this point

B. Acknowledgment of the challenges and discomfort in the transition

C. Hope for a brighter future

Interesting tweet-worthy points:

"Being in a situation I’ve never been in for 32 years. Having to hunt completely for myself. It’s lonely to a point."

"Maybe it’s insecurity I need to fight through. Maybe it’s just doubt taking one last stand before it goes away forever."

"I’ve never listened to it and went wrong. Seriously, I can’t think of a single time I listened to my gut and it led me astray."

"Going into this next chapter I’ve been working on being more disciplined. Disciplined with my habits and routines. I need to work more on discipline of mind."

"Maybe just observing my two halves engaging in this tug-of-war will be enough to take a breath and forgive myself."

Interesting newsletter topics:

Tips for trusting your gut

The importance of discipline in achieving goals

Overcoming insecurities when making big life changes

Dealing with discomfort and uncertainty in new ventures

And just like that you have ideas for many pieces of content. Here’s my creative process for using this prompt: spend time on do not disturb mode and just brain dump into a notepad. Doesn’t need to be focused, just put any ideas you have down.

Then feed those ideas into this prompt. You can use this endlessly to keep pulling out cool new content.

Let me know how you use this and the results you get!

Book Quote

The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is itself a positive experience.

I’m a big believer in not chasing. Whatever you chase seems to always get further away. By waking up and desiring happiness, you make it way harder to achieve this feeling.

Desire positive experiences, positive experiences seem to get further away. Accept life for what it is, positive experiences get delivered to you.

Have faith the universe is delivering to you exactly what you need.

Want more tweet and AI templates? Feel free to upgrade to the 1% Club where 650 members share their templates every day in our community!


or to participate.